Augmented Reality
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Results for: Augmented Reality
- Bailenson, Jeremy, Brian Beams, James Brown, Cyan DeVeaux, Eugy Han, Anna Queiroz, Rabindra Ratan, Monique Santoso, Tara Srirangarajan, Yujie Tao, and Portia Wang. “Seeing the World through Digital Prisms: Psychological Implications of Passthrough Video Usage in Mixed Reality”, Technology, Mind, and Behavior (TMB), 5, no. 2 (June 24, 2024).
- Jun, H., H. Shaik, C. DeVeaux, M. Lewek, H. Fuchs, and J. Bailenson. “An Evaluation Study of 2D and 3D Teleconferencing for Remote Physical Therapy”, PRESENCE: Virtual and Augmented Reality.
- Norouzi, N., K. Kim, G. Bruder, J.N. Bailenson, P. Wisniewski, and G.F. Welch. “The Advantages of Virtual Dogs Over Virtual People: Using Augmented Reality to Provide Social Support in Stressful Situations”, International Journal of Human-Computer Studies.
- Miller, M.R., and J.N. Bailenson. “Social Presence Outside the Augmented Reality Field of View”, Frontiers in Virtual Reality.
- Jun, H., J.N. Bailenson, H. Fuchs, and G. Wetzstein. “An Easy-to-Use Pipeline for an RGBD Camera and an AR Headset”, PRESENCE: Teleoperators and Virtual Environments, 27, no. 2 (2020): 202-5.
- Jun, H., J.N. Bailenson, H. Fuchs, and G. Wetzstein. “An Easy-to-Use Pipeline for an RGBD Camera and an AR Headset”, PRESENCE: Teleoperators and Virtual Environments.
- Sonalkar, N., A. Mabogunje, M.R. Miller, J.N. Bailenson, and L. Leifer. “Augmenting Learning of Design Teamwork Using Immersive Virtual Reality”, Design Thinking Research. Understanding Innovation, 67-76.
- Norouzi, N., G. Bruder, J.N. Bailenson, and G. Welch. “Investigating Augmented Reality Animals As Companions”, 2019 IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality Adjunct (ISMAR-Adjunct), Beijing, China, 400-403.
- Miller, M.R., H. Jun, F. Herrera, Yu Villa, G. Welch, and J.N. Bailenson. “Social Interaction in Augmented Reality”, PLoS ONE, 14, no. 5 (2019).
- Norouzi, N., K. Kim, M. Lee, R. Schubert, A. Erickson, J.N. Bailenson, G. Bruder, and G. Welch. “Walking Your Virtual Dog: Analysis of Awareness and Proxemics With Simulated Support Animals in Augmented Reality”, Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality (ISMAR), 253-64.
- Kim, K., L. Boelling, S. Haesler, J.N. Bailenson, G. Bruder, and G.F. Welch. “Does a Digital Assistant Need a Body? The Influence of Visual Embodiment and Social Behavior on the Perception of Intelligent Virtual Agents in AR”, Proceedings of the 17th IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality.
- Kim, K., D. Maloney, G. Bruder, J.N. Bailenson, and G.F. Welch. “The Effects of Virtual human’s Spatial and Behavioral Coherence With Physical Objects on Social Presence in AR”, Computer Animation and Virtual Worlds, 28 (2017).
- Oh, S.Y., and J.N. Bailenson. Virtual and Augmented Reality. The International Encyclopedia of Media Effects, 2017.
- Jun, H., and J.N. Bailenson. “Effects of Behavioral and Anthropomorphic Realism on Social Influence With Virtual Humans in AR”, Adjunct Proceeding of the IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality (ISMAR).