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- Wang, P., & Bailenson, J. (2025). Virtual Reality as a Research Tool (In Press). Reimer, L. van Swol., & A. Florack (Eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Communication and Social Cognition.
- Tao, Y., Egelman, J., & Bailenson, J. (2024). I Feel You: Impact of Shared Body Sensations on Social Interactions in Virtual Reality. IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality.
- Bailenson, J. (2024). Virtual Reality. In M. C. Frank & A. Majid (Eds.). Open Encyclopedia of Cognitive Science.
- Han, E., DeVeaux, C., Miller, M., Harari, G., Hancock, J. ., Ram, N., & Bailenson, J. (2024). Alone Together, Together Alone: The Effects of Social Context on Nonverbal Behavior in Virtual Reality. PRESENCE: Virtual and Augmented Reality (In Press).
- Bailenson, J., Beams, B., Brown, J., DeVeaux, C., Han, E., Queiroz, A., Ratan, R., Santoso, M., Srirangarajan, T., Tao, Y. ., & Wang, P. (2024). Seeing the World through Digital Prisms: Psychological Implications of Passthrough Video Usage in Mixed Reality. Technology, Mind, and Behavior (TMB), 5(2).
- Han, E. ., & Bailenson, J. (2024). Social Interaction in VR. Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Communication.
- Bailenson, J., & Lesher, M. (2024). Virtual Reality and its Opportunities and Risks. OECD Digital Economy Outlook Volume 1: Embracing the Technology Frontier.
- Wang, P., Miller, M., Queiroz, A., & Bailenson, J. (2024). Socially Late, Virtually Present: The Effects of Transforming Asynchronous Social Interactions in Vritual Reality . Proceedings of the 2024 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems.
- DeVeaux, C., Markowitz, D. ., & Bailenson, J. (2024). Presence and Pronouns: An Exploratory Investigation into the Language of Social VR. Journal of Language and Social Psychology.
- Han, E., & Bailenson, J. (2024). Lessons for/in virtual classrooms: designing a model for classrooms inside virtual reality. Communication Education, 73(2), 234-243.
- Queiroz, A. ., Bailenson, J., Blair, K., Schwartz, D., Thille, C., & Wagner, A. (2024). Extended Realities and the Future of Knowledge Work: Opportunities and Challenges. Proceedings of the 31st IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces Abstracts and Workshops (VRW).
- Fauville, G. . ., Voşki, A., Mado, M., Bailenson, J., & Lantz-Andersson, . A. (2024). Underwater virtual reality for marine education and ocean literacy: technological and psychological potentials. Environmental Education Research.
- Han, E., DeVeaux, C., Hancock, J. ., Ram, N., Harari, G., & Bailenson, J. (2024). The influence of spatial dimensions of virtual environments on attitudes and nonverbal behaviors during social interactions. Journal of Environmental Psychology.
- Markowitz, D., & Bailenson, J. (2024). A Looking Glass into a Research Wonderland: 40 Years of Virtual Reality Scholarship Explicated via Natural Language Processing. PsyArXiv Preprints.
- Miller, M., Nair, V., Han, E. ., DeVeaux, C., Rack, C., Wang, R., Huang, B., Latoschik, M., O’Brien, J., & Bailenson, J. (2024). Effect of Duration and Delay on the Identifiability of VR Motion. 2024 IEEE 25th International Symposium on a World of Wireless, Mobile and Multimedia Networks (WoWMoM), 70-75.
- Allen, C., Raza, M., Frey, W., Washington Sr., D., Ross, S., Bailenson, J., & Cogburn, C. (2024). Immersive Virtual Experiences for Fostering Structural Competence among White Students and Non-Black Students of Color. International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Virtual Reality.
- Beams, B., & Crofton-Sleigh, L. (2024). Past and Future Presence: Approaches for Implementing XR Technology in Humanities and Art Education. Amherst College Press.
- Beams, B. (2024). Teaching Conscientious Design: How Learning VR Development Can Lead to Greater Understanding of Sustainability. Ethical Considerations of Virtual Reality in the College Classroom, 51-69.
- Wang, P., Miller, M., Han, E., DeVeaux, C., & Bailenson, J. . (2024). Understanding virtual design behaviors: A large-scale analysis of the design process in Virtual Reality. Design Studies, 90(101237).
- Kuvar, V., Bailenson, J., & Mills, C. (2023). A Novel Quantitative Assessment of Engagement in Virtual Reality: Task- unrelated Thought is Reduced Compared to 2D Videos. Computers & Education.